…and in the twinkling of an eye, a couple of years moved in.
But what was going on?
In the past our focus on nais0ne.com was clearly on the competition, which unfortunately hadn’t taken place in the way we pretended to. That doesn’t mean that we weren’t active – there were only other interests and on the meanwhile advanced age average in the team of course many private topics and changes.
All the more we are happy to once again compete in an America’s Army league and to be able to compete at eye level with other teams. On November 10th the AA League starts, where we will meet some old acquaintances but also some teams which are new to us.
Our newest arrival MeisterDesLongdrinks, which we could win from the CS:GO field for us, and the old acquaintances will compete. Soon we will start our training again – so feel free to ask us about scrims.
We hope for some exciting matches and wish all participants good luck!
Team nais0ne.com